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日期: 2024年10月16日
時間: 上午10時至下午5時
地點: DON DON DONKI銅鑼灣名珠城分店– 香港銅鑼灣百德新街22-26號珠城大廈1-5樓
日期: 2024年10月21日至22日
時間: 上午11時半至下午6時
地點: Recruit進修招聘匯– 深水埗西九龍中心1樓大堂
Don Quijote, a Japanese discount retail chain famously known as “Donki”, is expanding to Southeast Asia as Don Don Donki.
Don Quijote Group's holding company for overseas operations, Pan Pacific International Holdings Pte. Ltd. (PPIH) based in Singapore, will develop the Don Don Donki stores for Southeast Asia.
The Don Quijote Group was established in 1980 and opened its first Don Quijote general discount store in 1989. It has since steadily expanded its business and its network of stores by developing a unique type of business based on its store concept of providing “convenience,” “discount” and “amusement,” and by pursuing mergers and acquisitions.
Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1998 and restructured under a pure holding company in 2013, it has grown into a general retailing group with 350 stores, the cumulative number of customers reaching 300 million a year and annual consolidated sales topping 800 billion yen in Japan. Its revenue and operating profit have increased for 27 consecutive years.
Outside Japan, the Group has been operating three Don Quijote USA stores in Hawaii since 2006. In July 2013, PPIH was established in Singapore as the headquarters of the Don Quijote Group’s overseas operations. In September of the same year, Marukai Corporation, which operates nine stores in California and two stores in Hawaii, came under the umbrella of the Group.
At home and abroad, the Don Quijote Group has not only provided customers with what they needed when they needed it but also built a business model to help them enjoy shopping. It has also designed a variety of store formats best suiting the locations and trade areas where the stores are located -- regardless of their size and structure.
More about the Don Quijote Group: http://www.donki-hd.co.jp/en/
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